Automated Journeys

Module 4 — Lesson 26

Automated journeys are one of the most exciting and powerful tools you can leverage. They help you send out emails when a subscriber sets off specific triggers.

With Automations, you can create multi-step email journeys based on different triggers. You can think of a trigger as an action that a subscriber takes—like signing up for your newsletter or upgrading to your premium offering.

Using our grid builder, you simply:

  • Select a trigger

  • Add a step

    • Choose a time delay

    • Create your email

  • Repeat

You'll be able to track the progress of subscribers moving through your automations, along with the individual performance of each constituent email.

What can you create with Automated Journeys?

Welcome series

A welcome series is a sequence of emails you send out to new subscribers in order to establish brand awareness and to educate them on your product or service. This can take many different shapes, pending your content and audience.

You can check out our blog post here to jumpstart some ideas.

Upgrade series

Once a reader takes out their credit card and decides to become a paying subscriber of yours, this is a tremendous opportunity to thank them and prime them on what's to come. Perhaps the automated upgrade series is full of valuable content and part of the upsell itself.

Content series

A content series would be an example of where the drip of automated emails IS the value of signing up (or upgrading).

An example of this could be a 30-day email course about stock trading. All new subscribers who signup would enter this automation and receive a single pre-built email, in order, every day for 30 days.

There are currently three main triggers:

  1. Signed Up Trigger

Any subscriber that signs up for your newsletter will be dropped into your automation journey.

  1. Upgrade Trigger

Any subscriber that upgrades to your paid subscription will be dropped into your automation journey.

  1. Manual Trigger

Manual triggers allow you to enroll subscribers into an automation when you choose to.

First, specify Manual as the automation trigger.

Then you can create a segment using our Segmentation feature to build a cohort of subscribers based on whatever parameters and metrics you choose. In the top right corner dropdown, you can select Add to Automation.

And then select an automation that has a Manual trigger attached to it.

Multiple Triggers

You can now create automations with multiple triggers. This allows a ton more flexibility in building dynamic segments and will only become more powerful as we launch additional triggers.

💡 Note: to check if you have access to Automations on your beehiiv plan, visit our pricing page here.

Automation step conditions

You can now add distinct conditions to any individual step in your automated journey.

The automation will ensure only subscribers who match the criteria outlined in the conditions will be sent the email associated with that step.

For example, if you wanted to encourage readers to upgrade and pay for your premium newsletter, you could enroll free readers into a simple automated journey.

For each step, you’d specify that only readers on the free tier should receive the following email (excluding anyone who has since upgraded).

How do you set up Automated Journeys?

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